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Odour control
Odour neutralizing system
Odour neutralizer
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Odour neutralizing system

Crosstek neutralizing system provide a cost effective and controlled dispersion of odour neutralizer into an odorous area or influent ducting.

Depending on the odour sources, an atomized spray of odour neutralizing solution or an air stream saturated with odour neutralizing vapour can be introduced to effectively control the odorous emissions at source.



Automated misting system

Crosstek Automated Misting System utilizes the process of high pressure water atomization. In doing so, we are able to add a precision controlled odour neutralizer, to the ambient air and sources resulting in a tremendous reduction in odors.

We utilize a wide range of state-of-the-art timers to allow precise control of the system to achieve the most optimal performance.



Direct vapour system

Crosstek Direct Vapour System provides odour control with no water involvement. The direct vaporization process uses the energy of moving air current from a fan/blower to evaporate the scientifically formulated natural aromatic essential oils, creating an odour neutralizing dry vapour.

This waterless odour neutralizing vapour is introduced directly into the process pipes/ducts that discharge the odorous gases or ambient air. Permanent odour neutralization occurs as the essential oils react with malodour at a molecular level.





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